Authored by
Nathaniel J. KrautkramerVirtual Law Firm Initial Consultation and Virtual Tax, Business, and Estate Planning Attorney
We at Krautkramer & Block understand that COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) has forced many in our community to stay home and not travel to avoid being exposed to the virus. We also understand that many of our fellow citizens still have legal and financial problems that cannot wait. During this difficult period, we want you to know that we are still here to help get your legal life in order.
Since many of you are staying home to avoid the risk of infection or to care for others, we have decided to offer for a limited-time: virtual initial consultations. Rather than coming to our law office here in Wausau, you would request a virtual consult with my office. During a telephone or video conference, I would review the facts of your case, answer your questions, determine your options and the costs and benefits of each option, and finally put together a plan for you going-forward.
Not only would the initial consultation be virtual, but we are changing our processes and procedures so that future meetings could also be virtual. With our virtual legal representation you would avoid having to venture out in public, greatly reducing the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 and allowing you to solve your legal issues! If you are a current client, feel free to call us at (715) 842-2162 to determine what meetings we can do virtually.
Check below to see if you are eligible. If you are eligible, I recommend completing the request form immediately before limited availability runs out!
EligibilityAm I eligible for a virtual initial consultation?
1. Do one of these circumstances apply to you?- I owe over $20,000 of federal or state income taxes, sales taxes, or employment taxes;
- I want to form a business, need assistance with drafting a business contract, or want help with the purchase or sale of a company; or
- I want to prepare a will, trust, or other estate planning document for me or for my family.
2. You live in one of the following counties in Wisconsin:- Marathon
- Lincoln,
- Taylor,
- Clark,
- Wood,
- Portage,
- Waupaca,
- Shawano, or
- Langlade.
3. Are you available for a one-hour consultation starting at one of these times?:- 10:00 a.m.
- 11:00 a.m.
- 2:00 p.m.
- 3:00 p.m.
- 4:00 p.m.
4. Are you ready to pay the virtual initial consult nonrefundable flat fee of $250.00 online by debit card or electronic check? This is a retainer fee for our availability during the scheduled one-hour block of time, during which we will discuss your legal issues and options for addressing them. If you proceed with the scheduling the meeting by following the link below, you acknowledge and agree that no portion of the fee will be refundable in the event that the conference lasts less than the scheduled hour. While our office remains open, you always have the option of meeting with us in person as described on our website.
It is important that you make your appointment as soon as possible, because there are limited time slots.
After receiving your request from, we would contact you within 24 hours by email or call you to schedule a time for your consultation, arrange payment of the fee, and provide further instructions on what documentation you would need to provide for the consult.
This blog post contains general information regarding public news, matters, and developments in the law. None of the information contained on this blog post is intended as legal advice or opinion relative to specific matters, facts, situations, or issues. Additional facts and information or future developments may affect the subjects addressed and no guarantee is given that the information provided in this blog post is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Consult with an attorney before acting or relying upon any information contained in this blog post.
Tags: COVID-19, Coronvirus, Virtual Consult, IRS, Tax Planning, Business